Friday, October 22, 2010

Be Incredible

It's that time of year, for me at least, when talk begins to turn toward which new communication portal I'm going to be committing myself to. That's right, it's "New Every Two" time! You Verizon peeps out there know what I'm talking about. You also know how important it is to pick the right cell phone. If you don't, you can't upgrade again for another two years. And let's be honest, as fancy as these new phones are, the prices they charge existing customers for them is effing ridiculous. C'mon, I love texting and talking and surfing the web, but do I want to pay you an additional $400 to do it? Eff you.

Anyway, my choice at this point is clear. Kinda. I can get the Incredible, which is everything it's cracked up to be from what I hear. iPhone shmi-phone! OR, I can wait. Til January. Why? Haven't you heard? The iPhone will be coming to Verizon (it's really true this time).


*Confused face*

Ok, let's do this logically. Since I know absolutely nothing about the Incredible except for the few minutes I've spent with it at the Verizon store and one or two friends who own it, I can't really do a fair review or comparison. But since I DO own an iPod and it's VERY similar to the iPhone I can work with that.

First, the reasons why I DO need an iPhone:

1. It's an iPhone. Duh!

2. It's probably gonna be cheaper than the Incredible and the iPhone 4G experience is probably waaaay better than the Android experience. Ha! Sounds like a ride at Disney World.

3. Angry Birds. Online

4. No need to try to grab Wifi from where ever I happen to be. Although, more and more places everyday are offering free internets so this might not even be an issue soon.

Reasons why I DON'T need an iPhone:

1. I already have an iPod Touch. Which I LOOOVE by the way. The two devices do exactly the same thing except for the making calls part. And I believe if I have the right ear piece I can make Skype calls on my pod.

2. No Flash support. Not sure if the Verizon iteration will support this feature, but so far not being able to view Flash movies sucks a little bit. Not that I'm watching a bunch of Flash movies on my pod like that, but when you tout your product as being able to do pretty much anything, you'd think these things would be a given. There's NO app for that.

3. Plus, an Incredible is just... well... Incredible..

On a more personal note, I almost feel like I'd be betraying my Blackberry by getting an iPhone. In the phone wars I've always been on #TeamBlackberry. How could I just go over to the other side like that?

*flings Blackberry out the nearest open window*

I'm saying... I'm on my 3rd Blackberry in 2 years, my rollerball doesn't work when I want it to, I've lost my BBM contacts trying to upgrade to the new Messenger, sometimes I won't get my emails or Facebook alerts unless I take the battery out and hard reset the phone.    >_<

Soooo... ummmm... yeah. Either I deal with this for the next 2 months OR I give it up now and get the Incredible. Still can't decide. What do you guys think?

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