Monday, January 31, 2011

Treat of the Week 1.31.11

Something about these boots makes me wanna say "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all outta bubble gum." I hesitate to tell you where I got them, I MUST be the only one with these.

Studded Leather Ankle Boots


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Treat of the Week 1.17.11

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I'm going to do differently this year. Not so much resolutions as "things I'd like to do just cuz I think they'd be cool". It's been difficult because I've accomplished a lot that I hadn't planned on before the year ended.

One of things I came up with is that every week I would buy something for myself that I need/want/been looking at for a month or more. The logic behind this (just go with me on this for a minute) is kinda like the logic behind dieting. You know how when you're on a diet you usually deprive yourself of things you normally eat that you consider bad for you? Then after all the sacrifice and starvation you one day you find yourself headfirst in the fridge with a fistful of cheesecake and flecks of bacon bits in your hair? There are usually long stretches of time where I won't buy ANYTHING for myself and then when I do, I OD. So I'm thinking just like with dieting, moderation is key. Also, it helps to treat yourself so often so you don't go overboard when you finally decide to do whatever it is you're trying to abstain from.

These things can't be random. No impulse purchases and if they are they have to be justified. For example, if I happen to shopping with the Twin and I see something I like, I'm not going to just buy it. It has to either be on the "Master List" (more about that later) or there has to be some REALLY GOOD reason why I need it. It has to "go with" something I already own. None of that "Hey those shoes are cute, but they don't match anything. Excuse to go shopping!!

This leads me to my Treat of the Week. Whenever i find something I've got a great deal on or is really interesting or I just plain decide I LOVE, I feel the need to share it. I'm nice like that :)

I've been doing this every week since the year started and I'm building quite the collection. Ok, it's only been 2 weeks, but still... I'm right on schedule. This week's treat is...

A Juicy Couture Starter Charm Bracelet
Juicy Couture

What? I know I'm grown and I have no business rocking this, but I don't care. I love it. Plus, I have all these fun Juicy charms and no bracelet to wear them with. *blank stare*
I needed a new one and I kept saying I'd get it, but I never did. I have no idea why. Finally I just said screw it. I got a discount too so that helped. (Hooray for discounts!!) Anyway, I've got a whole list of stuff and about 50 more weeks so stay tuned!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Favorite Things From 2010

Dammit!! I forgot to post this last night. Let's just pretend it's still December 31, 2010... ok go!

As the year draws to a close, it's time to reflect on all the things that I've done, said and just found funny or interesting. In no particular order here are:

The Top ** Things That Have Made Me Laugh, Cry and In Certain Cases Give the *Blank Stare*


  • The Snookie from Jersey Shore "wahhhhh"
  • Negril Curry Goat for Valentine's Day (or anytime for that matter.) We spend HOW MUCH when we go there??
  • Voting for Governor and seeing "The Rent is Too Damn High Party" on the ballot.
  • Having a "girl crush" on Nyomi Banxxx 
  • Screaming to Kanye West's Hell of A Life like that chick in the Runaway Movie WHENEVER the song comes on
  • The season finale of LOST (I'm still like "WTF?!" Really son??) 
  • When my friend called me and the BF "Baddalekun". Yanno, like Bennifer of Brangelina. LMAO
  •  Getting my custom green graffitti-ed fancy laptop for my birthday!! BBM Happy Dance (and the subsequent wardrobe malfunction that followed at my party. BBM Sad Face)
  • Starting my blog and FINALLY starting my website. (Now let's see if I can finish it)
  • Scoring 6 Jars of Miss Jessie's Buttercreme! Woooooo!
  • Sharing cat videos with my co-worker. We love you Maru!!!
  • Being in one of my best friend's wedding and dancing at the best reception EVER!! 
  • Having crazy fun at the same friend's Bachelorette Party =D
  • Playing Dance Central on the Kinect and doing the Willie Bounce to King of the Dancehall *blank stare*
I hope all of you have wonderful memories from the past year let's try to make the most of the new year. Happy New Year!!

P.S. Don't drink and drive!
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