Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm the king of the wooorld...

or a small nation until I build up my army and kick some ass. The long awaited Civilization V is due out in 4 days and I'm a little bit excited. Back in the days the BF introduced me to this awesome strategy game and I've been hooked ever since. There's nothing like researching new technologies, building Wonders and just generally menacing your nearest foreign neighbors.

I've learned so much from Civilization. I think I still may have been clueless on what a phalanx was if I'd never played it. I can remember pouring hours of myself into a game and not wanting to walk away until it was done. Just one more turn, I'd tell myself. An hour later I'd still be sitting there. It's honestly one of my favorite games of all time. Seriously. Thanks Huey! I remember him trying to teach me the "strategy" portion of the game and I would always just declare war. "F*ck them!!" I'd say as I flew into battle determined to take over the globe. I usually won, but that was back when the game's AI wasn't so smart and I could wipe out a culture before they got a good foothold in society. Now, not thinking before I fight can get me extinct. It doesn't mean that I don't still try it though. I'm a megalomanic, what can I say. Omnipotence! Gotta get me some of that.

There's been so many great and not so great changes to the game over the years, but it has always been an immersive experience. Civ V promises to be all the things that the others were and more. Seems like there's even more "strategy" in the strategy. I'm actually going to have to use my brain instead of brawn this time around. No matter. I look forward to the new challenges. Maybe I can get the BF to join me online so I can kick his booty all up and down the coast. He'll have to get his own copy though because I'm not sharing.

Civilization V


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yo, them Bamboos is fresh!

Apparently, I'm a little late to the party, but why didn't anybody tell me about the Swarovski Crystal old skool Bamboo earrings?! In my travels on the YT (that's YouTube for you newbies) I ran across a video by one of my favorite youtubers and she had these on. OMG!! Haute!! Looking at the date of the video, I see I've missed a whole year of this, but better late than never I always say.

Me being the creative, arts & crafts loving person that I am, I decided I would try to make them myself. I'm thinking, why pay $75 for something if I don't have too. I'm cheap like that. So, I hook up with BFF #2 and hightail it on over to Michaels, the arts & crafts Mecca of the world. My plan was to get a bag of rhinestones, some glue and see what I could make happen. Ahhh, the best laid plans...

After doing a little research, I realize I'm gonna need about 10 gross of these things. 10 Gross. That's 1440. Ummm, ok. Well that's not bad considering I'll be saving money by making them myself right? Do you know how much 1440 crystals cost?? About 60 bucks. Do you know how small these things are?? REALLY small. You know how good my eyesight is?? Not very. So you know what's going to happen right?



Monday, September 13, 2010

Dammit! It WAS real!

I swore I was NOT gonna get caught up talking about the damn VMAs! I don't care about them remember? But... *gag* I just found out about... *hic* the meat dress... I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. The Meat Dress

I mean, was it jerky? Or just regular meat? Did she smell like the butcher? What was in her meat purse, fixins? I'm imagining it making squishy meat sounds as she sat down. Did that little guy from the Jackass gang follow her around trying to sprinkle Lowrys on her? Was it cold? Did they keep it in some type of refrigerator until it was time to be worn? What kinda meat was it? Why not use bacon? WTF? So many questions. And the meat hat kills me! Just a big ole' slab of meat on her head. Could Archie Bunker call her a meathead and get away with it? I don't even know how to feel about this one other than just a little bit nauseous. Dude... stick a fork in me... I'm done. (Pun totally intended)

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

The 2010 VMAs!! ...meh

Any self respecting blogger is probably "talking" about the VMAs today. Ke$ha's garbage bag dress, Lady Gaga's whatever the hell that was on her head (I think it picks up sub space radio waves or something), Nicki Minaj's ginormous ass. These are just a few of the highlights you missed if you weren't glued to your TV watching every moment. Let me state for the record, I am not the "award show" girl. Don't watch em, don't really care (unless its Kanye or Beyonce *throwing up the Roc*). I don't ever know when they're on and I don't change the channel to find out. This year however, the BF mentioned it and since I wasn't too invested in what was on I figured what the hell. Can't hurt right?

*blank stare*

First off, I'm one of those people that get embarrassed when somebody else is embarrassing themselves. I hide my face, look away, whatever will stop me from seeing/hearing what's going on. *Enter Lady Gaga* OMG, I can't. I feel like I get her, but I feel like I don't. I mean... really?? After that, the things I remember in order of importance are Usher's performance (little outta breathe there huh?), Justin Beiber, I still don't like him, but at least now I know what the hype is all about. He's a like a white Ne-yo... with acne. And Nicki Minaj's booty.

*blanker stare*

I think I stayed on MTV about 45 minutes. As soon as the BF left I hit up Netflix so I could catch up on my episodes of Sliders. That's right, Sliders. I finished the first season too! My only regret is that I missed Kanye's performance which I'm sure was on Youtube before he even got off the stage. Eh, I'll catch it later.

That better be Katy Perry. I heard she likes that.

Just because I like her.
Rosario Dawson, always awesome!

Observation sparked by the BF:
Rihanna looks like a matchstick.
Coincidence? Not so much.

All images courtesy of Hollywood Life

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Willow Smith... I hate you.

The past few days I've been hearing that Willow Smith, daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith has a new single out. Really?? I thought it was real cute when she shaved the side of her head. You know, doing things that pre-teens do. But now a single? I mean, those kids definitely have their parents genes from what I've seen so far. Jayden with the acting and everything. I know Will Smith USED to do music and he was definitely a staple in my record collection when I was younger, but now, not so much. He wasn't the best rapper, not even the 10th best so I'm wondering what I should really be expecting. Outside of whether or not she's picked up her dad's knack for music, I'm thinking the fact that she's young and black I should already know going in that it's going to be some kind of Soldier Boy, Wocka Flocka Flame crap or she's going to go in the completely opposite direction and do the rock thing. I wasn't happy about either, but I figured hey, I'd miss making fun of it if I didn't at least give it a listen. Well, here goes...

*turns on iTunes*

Dammit Willow! Ooooh, I hate that you having me bopping my head right now! I'm gonna have to do my Kinky Curly wash n' go and make this my new anthem. Dammit.

I Whip My Hair Back and Forth

For All My Freelance Friends

40 Inspiring Portfolio Designs

Portfolio designs can be a great source of inspiration. I visit this site regularly and I always find great ideas for my own projects.

Flower Bomb Turns 5!

I fell in LOVE with this fragrance the first time I smelled it on one of those pull out cards in a Bloomies magazine. It's since then become my signature fragrance. Described as a floral explosion, it's immediately recognizable and completely unforgettable. I wear it everyday if I can. If you haven't discovered this divine perfume yet, what the hell are you waiting for?? Actually, wait until Mother's Day or Christmas because they always have fun gift sets available that cost about the same price as buying a single bottle. Now that I think about it, I need to re-up on my supply.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I have to have these... like yesterday!

Big Feet PJs

Is it just me or don't you want some feety pajamas? Seriously. I've been thinking about these for years and I always swore I'd find some. Can't you imagine a cold winter day, curling up and reading the paper/a book/whatever thing you're into? You've got your hot chocolate/coffee/tea and what's this? Your feet nestled in a footy cocoon of softness. I'm sold!


Monday, September 6, 2010

The Kinda-Sorta End

Remember that message I told you about? That was it. My defining moment. I had to take destiny into my own hands. Ok, I’m being overly dramatic about it, but it seriously felt like that at the time. In all honesty, I had decided I was going to cheat if Huey would have me. It was wrong, but I’d been wrong before and the only person who was going to shake up my life was me. Weeks, I think maybe months had gone by and I decided one day at the spur of the moment, that I would call Huey. It was the middle of the day and I didn’t know what I was gonna say, except “Hey.” After a couple of false starts, I just did it. It rang. And rang. Then…


For a split second I was speechless and then…

“Hey, it’s Remi."

I didn’t know what to think. I got the best greeting I never would have expected. =D We had a short, but nice conversation. Caught up a little bit and promised to speak again later. I really don’t remember if we did or not, but I do remember planning to meet up that Friday at local spot in Brooklyn. He worked evenings and would not be off until 12 or so but said he would be out with his friends. Still high off the rush of talking to him again I promptly set about trying to decided what I was going to wear, called the BFF and made her promise she would go with me. She did (that’s why she’s the BFF) and Saturday finally came.
Breathe bitch breathe!

After hours of primping and pruning, the BFF scooped me up and we were off. I called a few times before we left, but didn’t get him. We arrive at “the Spot” fashionably early and he’s not there. My heart sank a little, but I figured he was still getting himself together and he’d be walking through the door before I knew it. After several calls and no response I began to get worried. Have I just been stood up? Is this the big revenge plot he had planned for me? When you worry too much you start thinking all kinds of stupid things, but we stuck around had a drink and we’re having a pretty cool time. We had been there for about an hour when I tried him again. Success!

“Hey!” (insert cheesy grin)

“Oh, you’re not coming?” (ughhh!)

“I can come over?” (looks at the BFF)

“Sure, be right there.”

Now, let me say for the record, I was aware this may not have been the best idea, but I was taking my destiny into my own hands remember? -to be concluded in The End

The Middle

Our separation was bad. I mean REALLY bad. Like, The Last Airbender Bad. Let’s just say it was my fault, tears were shed, things were said and I never saw Huey again. Until MySpace. Ahhh isn’t social networking great? After I recovered from the shock of seeing his name, I pulled myself together and read it. There was no venomous hatred of me, telling me once again about myself. No “screw you’s” or “I still hate you and just wanted to let you know”. Just a friendly message. Something like “Hey Rem, how you doing, gimme a call.”

*blank stare*

Call? CALL? Really?? He wants to speak to ME?? Why??

After I picked up my face, I calmed down a bit and started thinking. I know it’s just so he can get revenge. What would I even say? Do we still have anything in common? So many questions that could only be answered if I just picked up the phone and gave him a shout. The person I had become at that point was interested, but brushed it off. You see, I USED to be a fun, outgoing, lively social butterfly. Somewhere between the time Huey and I broke up and “the message”, all the life had been sucked out of me. Slowly at first and then one day I realized I was no longer the same free spirited person. My Saturdays once spent traipsing about town with my friends and ogling cute boys had now been relegated to trips to Best Buy and Circuit City. Going to the mall and watching whatever boring show happened to be on had become my existence (Sidebar: Do you have any idea how many times I spelled “existence” wrong before I had to look it up to spell it right?) Anyway, what the hell happened to me? I won’t blame Braxton, but I won’t say it wasn’t his fault as much as it was mine. We were two different people and I always knew that, but I thought that was what I needed. Someone grounded and stable. I felt like I was too much of a wild card to be left alone to my own devices. Somewhere in the 7 years we were together, a bit of me rubbed off on him, but A LOT of him rubbed off on me. Our relationship was in a shambles, but neither one of us was uncomfortable enough with it do to the other a favor and just leave.

The Beginning

So, I started my journey of self discovery somewhere around 2007. At that point I was in a long term relationship, which I had been in for about 7 years, I’d been at my job for a couple of years and things were looking pretty decent for me. Things weren’t perfect, but I’d been worse off before so I appreciated where my life was at that point.

I was a HUGE fan of MySpace (who does THAT anymore?) and like most others I was on there ALL the time. Changing my backgrounds, adding more music and all the other annoying things that we hate about MySpace. One day, I was checking my messages and I saw something. Now before I tell you what it was, you know that feeling you get in your stomach when you’re on a rollercoaster and it drops? Yeah, that feeling. Like you left your guts suspended in mid-air hundreds of feet above you. I had barely looked at the content of the message and I was already there.

It was from “Huey” (the names have been changed to protect the innocent). Huey and I had once spent quite a but of time together. This was before “Braxton” my significant other at the time. Actually Huey's and my relationship in a way gave birth to what will from here on be called “The Braxton Years”. Anyway, Huey and I had a very passionate time together. While it was mostly off and on, when it was on, it was ON!  -to be continued in the Middle

My First Blog

I’ve always wanted to start my own blog, but I never really knew how to actually get it started. I mean, there’s a kagillion places to go to set one up, but I could never figure out what I wanted to talk about. And more importantly, who’d be interested in anything I had to say. I’ve got so many things on my mind that I want to discuss at any given moment, it’s hard to pin down what my blog would even be about. So, inspired by my latest obsession with Youtube, my BF’s “blog” on Facebook and a good friend’s writing adventures, I finally said screw it. Let me start at The Beginning.
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