Monday, September 6, 2010

The Kinda-Sorta End

Remember that message I told you about? That was it. My defining moment. I had to take destiny into my own hands. Ok, I’m being overly dramatic about it, but it seriously felt like that at the time. In all honesty, I had decided I was going to cheat if Huey would have me. It was wrong, but I’d been wrong before and the only person who was going to shake up my life was me. Weeks, I think maybe months had gone by and I decided one day at the spur of the moment, that I would call Huey. It was the middle of the day and I didn’t know what I was gonna say, except “Hey.” After a couple of false starts, I just did it. It rang. And rang. Then…


For a split second I was speechless and then…

“Hey, it’s Remi."

I didn’t know what to think. I got the best greeting I never would have expected. =D We had a short, but nice conversation. Caught up a little bit and promised to speak again later. I really don’t remember if we did or not, but I do remember planning to meet up that Friday at local spot in Brooklyn. He worked evenings and would not be off until 12 or so but said he would be out with his friends. Still high off the rush of talking to him again I promptly set about trying to decided what I was going to wear, called the BFF and made her promise she would go with me. She did (that’s why she’s the BFF) and Saturday finally came.
Breathe bitch breathe!

After hours of primping and pruning, the BFF scooped me up and we were off. I called a few times before we left, but didn’t get him. We arrive at “the Spot” fashionably early and he’s not there. My heart sank a little, but I figured he was still getting himself together and he’d be walking through the door before I knew it. After several calls and no response I began to get worried. Have I just been stood up? Is this the big revenge plot he had planned for me? When you worry too much you start thinking all kinds of stupid things, but we stuck around had a drink and we’re having a pretty cool time. We had been there for about an hour when I tried him again. Success!

“Hey!” (insert cheesy grin)

“Oh, you’re not coming?” (ughhh!)

“I can come over?” (looks at the BFF)

“Sure, be right there.”

Now, let me say for the record, I was aware this may not have been the best idea, but I was taking my destiny into my own hands remember? -to be concluded in The End

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